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Timeline in receiving a car accident settlement in Florida

You were involved in a car accident in Florida, you are done with filing car accident claim and other requirements to receive compensation from such accident. You are eager to take back the loses you had. Now, the question here is how long will you wait to receive a settlement after a car accident in Florida? Does it take a year to receive the settlement? This article will give you information on receiving a car accident settlement in Florida.

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What are the important things to know in car accident settlement in Florida?

timeline car accident settlement floridaThere are a few things you should be made aware of before getting into a settlement. Depending on the extent of your injuries the settlement process can vary between a few weeks to a few years. It can be a long and dragging process, but your lawyer will be there to help you through it. On top of that insurance companies will try to delay as much as they can when it comes to paying out claims, especially if it’s a large sum of money. Their investigation will look at all angles to make sure there is no possible fraud or possible negligence on your behalf before they would agree to a settlement.

When it comes to Florida, for you to be compensated you would have to provide proof of the suffering caused by the accident. You would need to provide proper documentation and any logs that you kept showing how you have been recovering and any changes to your pain level or mental health. The main thing you need to know is that you are the big boss in this whole case, you are the one who needs to make the shots. Your biggest asset and tool would be to hire an experienced car accident lawyer to have on your side and help you throughout this whole process. Your lawyer will be on your side and get you the help you need and the result that’s best for you.

How long does it take to receive a settlement after a car accident in Florida?

There isn’t a set time frame for how long a settlement can be. A case can settle within a few weeks or can settle in a few years. There are factors that can make a case longer than average cases and they can mostly depend on how bad the person was injured. If they received injuries that’s going to require multiple surgeries, therapy, tests or any other necessities the case can be prolonged. Some cases will wait to settle until the recipient has reached full recovery.

What are the factors that may affect in receiving your settlement sooner?

There are three main reasons for there to be a delay in your personal injury case. There could be legal or factual issues with the case itself. This could be caused by a lack of evidence to prove who was negligent for the accident. Another reason would be that the settlement involves a large sum of money. If this is the issue, then the insurance company would make sure that they have properly investigated every angle they can to make sure that they can acknowledge liability and get a full analysis of the damages.

The last reason for a possible delay would be that you are still receiving medical attention for your injuries. You would want to stretch out the case as long as you can when it comes to personal injury cases. The reason being is because you don’t want to settle too early and then later find out that your condition worsened and now you have to pay more. It is best to wait until you have reach peak recovery before you settle your case.

How can your lawyer help you in this matter?

Your lawyer will advise you on what they believe would be the best way to handle it. They will tell you when they believe is a good time to reach for a settlement or if you should prolong it. Your lawyer will be the main point of contact between you and the insurance companies. They will be the one who will calculate your possible compensation based on the information you provide for them. They will also be sending out the demand letter when it’s time to reach a settlement. The main thing should be your recovery and how your life has been affected as a result of the accident.

How long usually it takes to receive the compensation after a car accident in Florida?

On average, it can take between four to six weeks to receive your compensation from a settlement. The time frame depends on the case and how long it takes to complete the whole process. Your attorney will be the first to receive the compensation check and will distribute the funds. They will take out the contingency fees, any out of pocket expenses and anything else that needs to be covered. After all the expenses are paid you will receive the check from your lawyer.

Frequently Asked Questions

The time frame may vary depending on the case itself and what factors come into play. On average it can be between a few weeks to a few years. It all depends on your injuries, recovery time, the investigation, and how much the possible compensation would be.

If it’s a personal injury protection (PIP) case, then the insurance company has 10 days to begin the investigation after a claim has been made. After beginning the investigation, they have 90 days to finish the investigation and reach a settlement. There are sometimes that this doesn’t happen because of factors come into play. Factors could include the injury recovery time is longer than expected because the injuries are severe. This could lead to the settlement being prolonged until the individual has finished recovering.

The settlement is calculated by any expenses that have been made as a result of an accident. Any medical bills, tests, and vehicle repairs will count as expenses. On top of that, you can add general damages like pain and suffering to the settlement. You can plead the case that your life has been heavily altered as a result of the accident. You would have to provide documentation to prove your claims or statements from those around you. Your lawyer will calculate all of these factors and send out a demand letter to the insurance companies to ask for the settlement. If agreed upon then your lawyer will be the first person to receive it and then send it to you after all of your expenses are paid for.

The amount of money you receive from a settlement can be determined by many different factors. There is no set amount of how much compensation you can receive from a settlement. Factors would be the damages inflicted on the vehicle, medical expenses, pain, and suffering, etc.

On average your settlement can be completed within a year. After the whole process is completed you will receive your compensation with 4 – 6 weeks after the settlement has been completed.

How do Florida courts handle settlement after a car accident?

The courts will look into all of the evidence provided for the case. They would need to determine who was the one at fault and how much compensation should be awarded. Any information collected by you leading up to this can be used to prove your case of needed compensation. Your medical records, personal journals, and any logs kept can be used to help your case. Any expenses made as a result of the accident would be put into consideration and then a final settlement decision would be put into motion.

What are the things you need to communicate with your lawyer for the car accident settlement?

When talking to your lawyer you need to mention any changes in your self or injuries. If you notice the pain in your leg is starting to radiate to your back, you want to mention that. Any change in pain level or emotional state needs to be documented and shared with your lawyer.

Does hiring a car accident lawyer has a big impact in receiving a settlement sooner?

Hiring a lawyer can be the best tool for winning a settlement. They will be your representative and take on the insurance companies. While you are recovering, they are building a case with all of the information you provide them and will reach out to the insurance companies. All contact and negotiations will go through your lawyer and they will be the ones to send in the demand letter. Compared to trying to take on the insurance companies on your own, an attorney will be the key to getting a bigger settlement in a quicker time.

Need a a car accident settlement in Florida?

Settlements aren’t completed overnight, it’s a long process that can last a few years. Depending on multiple factors in the case, a case can be settled in a few weeks or extended to a much longer period of time. If the injuries are severe and have a long road of recovery, then a settlement should be pushed back until the individual is fully recovered. It is better to be safe and stretch it out instead of trying to rush the settlement and be left to pay more expensive future expenses. The main thing should be focusing on your recovery while your lawyer takes care of your case.

At the Smith & Eulo Law Firm, we have car accident lawyers to represent you in your case. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to call us at 407-930-8912 or email at We strive to always be available for you.

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