By Bryanna Bynum

Earlier this week a 17-year-old was taking into custody for murder charges after two 19th year old’s were killed in Indian River County.

This appears to be a drug deal gone wrong. If I were to defend this case, the defense strategy would be to attack the State’s case and argue self-defense.  There is no way of knowing how the incident occurred and that my client did not act in self-defense.  In the case presented there are no eyewitnesses to the crime.

teen accused of double murder in brevard county

At trial the State would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client did not act in self-defense.  It would be imperative to argue the lack of evidence to prove my client wasn’t attacked.  Attacking the testimony of expert witnesses pointing out they were not present at the time the shooting occurred and cannot say how the crime was committed. Also, attacking the credibility of any other named witness because there are no real eyewitnesses to the crime alleged.

If you or your loved one are being accused of committing a crime, you should consult with one of our Criminal Defense Attorneys, don’t hesitate to call us at 352-WIN-4YOU We are available 24/7 and we offer payment plans.